"Reflection ... the practice of actively thinking about your experiences."
Geoff Leigh, Director of Product Development at Foliotek
Reflection will be an important part of this hybrid learning course. It
has value in multiple ways, that will be explored as we learn more
about Learning to Learn: Developing Learning Power. We invite you to watch this video, at your leisure, to begin thinking more deeply about reflection.
MODULE 1 REFLECTION PROMPT:CHANGES: What changes in attitudes, thinking, or action are suggested by the text (Learning is Learnable*) either for you or others?
You may create a response to this prompt using any media ... text, image, photograph, video, audio, etc. Please bring your reflection to the Module 2 F2F session.
BELIEFS: In what way(s) have your beliefs about "changing and learning" grown, deepened, shifted, or changed?
You may create a response to this prompt using any media ... text, image,
photograph, video, audio, etc. Please bring your reflection to the
Module 3 F2F session.
Consider Module 3. Select one thinking move that you would like students to use as they build disciplinary understanding in your classroom. "What makes you say that?"
You may create a response to this prompt using any media ... text, image,
photograph, video, audio, etc. Please bring your reflection to the
Module 4 F2F session.
MODULE 4 REFLECTION PROMPT: Think back to the beginning of the semester. Consider what you used to think about CHANGING and LEARNING. Capture your ideas starting off with the words, “I used to think...”
Then, consider how your ideas have changed as a result of what we’ve been doing (module 1 - 4 learning, F2F sessions, your reflections, and possibly, things you’ve been doing in class). Capture where you are now in your thinking, starting with the phrase, “Now I think …”*
You may create a response to this prompt using any media ... text, image, photograph, video, audio, etc. Consider posting this reflection, as well as your reflections for modules 1 – 3 in your Changing and Learning Portfolio.
*I USED TO THINK…, NOW I THINK … is a Thinking Routine. MTV. 154 – 161.